Square sail...part 2

The next morning, after partaking of coffee and Advil, it was time to sew the reinforcement patches to the sail itself.  This was challenging due to both my poor sewing skills and to the fact that the sewing machine had a quite narrow throat.  I started with the head of the sail, since it had the most patches and the largest (and most difficult) patch to sew.  

I rolled the sail material up which allowed me to attack each patch from both sides.  It wasn’t pretty, but once I had the head patches sewn in place, I sewed the top and bottom sail sections together (after first basting them together) and then worked on the two bottom (foot) patches which were easier.  Next it was time to reinforce each edge.  Jeff from Sailrite recommended I reinforce the top edge with some nylon rope before covering with Dacron tape, so that’s what I did:

The other edges got just pre-folded Dacron tape.  It was attached first with basting tape and then sewn in place. The poor little sewing machine didn’t have the oomph to go through the patches, webbing and tape, so I will have some hand sewing to do to finish the job.